Monday, February 20, 2012

A Love Story - Breakfast in These Five Years

An 80-year old man was waiting in a queue at the bus stop. There was no sign of bus coming. Time and again, he looked at his watch anxiously, and murmured that he would be late.
A young woman behind said to him, "Sir, I just read the news on my iphone. There's an accident on the Harbour Bridge. The traffic is now very slow." The old man said sadly, "Thanks, so I'll miss my appointment at 9 o'clock then." Seeing the old man was still so anxious, the young woman tried to chat with him, "I believe you are retired. You don't need to be in such a hurry like us. It doesn't matter too much if you're late, does it?"
The old man hesitated for a second and said to the woman, "My wife is living in a nursing home. She'll have breakfast at 9 o'clock every morning. In the last five years, she liked me to have breakfast with her together. " He then paused for a few more seconds, and continued, "She's got dementia ... True, she doesn't know if I haven't come to see her today ..... In fact, she doesn't know if I have come to see her either ....... Frankly, she doesn't know me any more ..............."
Apparently not knowing what to say, the young woman remarked, "Then why ... why do you bother so much to be there everyday and in time?"

The old man looked at her calmly, and smiled, "But I still know her."

The answer was so simple, and yet firm, and it represented so much commitment and love from a husband to a wife!
We all have said in the wedding vows, "I (xxx) take you (yyy) to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward till death do us part." ...... But can everyone do it?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wrong Seat

An elderly lady called 000 on her mobile phone to report that her car had been broken into.

She was hysterical as she explained her situation to the operator, "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cried.
The operator said, "Lady, stay calm. An officer is on the way."
A few minutes later, the officer radioed in. "Disregard." He said, "She got in the back-seat by mistake......"

Monday, February 6, 2012


李清照在其作品 '聲聲慢' 中, 以幾個簡單, 重疊的句子, 刻畫出愁的意景:

尋尋 覓覓 冷冷 清清 凄凄 慘慘 戚戚


不過, 凡事都應該向好的方面看, 我們亦以幾個簡簡, 單單, 重重, 覆覆的字句, 急急忙忙地寫出以下的 '快快趣', 自我輕鬆一番 :

旅旅 行行 飲飲 食食 開開 心心 爽爽