Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Fox and the Vineyard

Once upon a time, a fox passed by a vineyard and saw plenty of big and mouth-watering grapes inside. "Let me go and have a great meal." He said to himself. He squeezed himself through the lattice and entered into the vineyard. "I'm so glad I'm in. Yummy! Yummy!" The grapes were so fresh, delicious and juicy and the fox ate and ate and ate. The fox felt very satisfied and wanted to get out of the vineyard. "It was wonderful. Let me go back now." But then he found he had eaten too much and become so fat that he could not get through the lattice. So the fox had to stop eating and drinking for three days and three nights until he became thin again. Finally he squeezed through the lattice and got outside the vineyard. The fox felt disappointed as he discovered he was only what he was before entering the vineyard.

The moral, from one perspective - 'We come with nothing and we leave with nothing. We can't take away any fame and fortune we accrued in life. So, don't take it too serious.'
Or perhaps we look from the other perspective - 'Sometimes it's not the result we should bother, but rather it's the process we should enjoy.'

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