Saturday, October 17, 2009

Story of the Starfish

It was a scorching sunny day. A man stood alone on a quiet beach watching the tides flowing and ebbing. One after the other, each wave washed a dozen of starfish onto the shore. As the wave receded, the starfish were left lying, drying and dying on the beach under the heat. Seeing the situation, the man bent down his body, picked up a dying starfish from the beach and threw it back into the water.
Wave after wave, hundreds and hundreds of starfish were washed onto the shore, left lying, drying and dying on the beach. Hour after hour, the man untiredly did exactly the same thing.
An onlooker watched for an hour. He saw heaps and heaps of starfish washed onto the shore, dried and died under the sun, and yet the man was able to save only a handful. He couldn't help but approached the man and asked, "Sir, do you think it's worth your effort?" and pointing to the sea of dead starfish, "Will it make a difference to them all?"

The man didn't stop. He continued to bend down, picked up a dying starfish from the beach, said calmly, " I don't know. I just know it will make a difference ...................... " and threw it far out into the sea with all his strength. " ............................... to this one."

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