Sunday, October 11, 2009

Voice Recognition System

I was working on my tax return two months ago. I needed the total payment for my internet connection for claiming the Education Tax Refund. My connection was with Optus broadband cable. As all payments were made via direct debit, I had to ask Optus for hardcopies of the bills for the last 12 months to substantiate my claim. So I called the Optus Customer Services Hotline.
After the general greetings, the Voice System asked, "In a few words, please tell me what you'd like to do today."
I said, : "Account enquiry"
The Voice System said, " Thank you. To assist me to go further, please tell me your mobile number if you have an Optus mobile, otherwise, just say I don't have one."
As I didn't have an Optus mobile, I followed the instruction and said, " I don't have one."
But the Voice System replied, " Sorry, I have difficulty to understand you.", and repeated, "Please tell me your mobile number if you have an Optus mobile, otherwise, just say I don't have one."
I then said gently and slowly, " I ----- don't ----- have ------ one." I thought a kindie kid would be able to understand me this time.
But the Voice System replied again, "Sorry, I have difficulty to understand you.", and repeated, " Please tell me ------------ don't have one."
I began to lose myself. I raised my voice and shouted to the phone, " I DON'T HAVE ONE. DAMN IT."
And the Voice System replied, " Transferring you to an operator.", and there went the music.
15 minutes later, all my queries and requests were fully answered by a human behind. That was Voice Recognition System.

Perhaps this VRS only recognises English with Aussie accents.

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