Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hong Kong Encounters

If you have lived in Hong Kong long enough, you probably have the following experiences:

. you eat the (almost) cheapest McDonald hamburger in the world (Big Mac Index, The Economist) for lunch.
. you travel on one of the most efficient train system in the world everyday; it takes you no time to change from one train line to another.
. you can't get off the train in Queensway as you move slightly slower than the incoming passengers.
. you hate that the only entertainments are shopping and dining only which you miss most when you are NOT in Hong Kong.
. you need a few seconds to think what to eat in Cafe de Coral, and the cashier has already asked the third person behind you for his orders.
. you shout to talk to your friend across the table at yum cha.
. you hit the lift button at least 5 times, thinking it will make it move faster.
. you have at least one gossip magazine at home at all times.
. you don't think you need to buy software for your computer.
. you queue up four days and four nights to get to the Book Exhibition in Convention Centre for an hour.
. the only thing that moves slower than continental drift is the crowd in Causeway Bay on a Saturday afternoon.

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