Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lose or Win? - Give and You Will be Given

I heard this story from the late Dr James Wong (Wong Jim). He said he heard the story from a Father in his secondary school, La Salle College (which happens to be my mother school too). Here the story goes.

Once upon a time, there was a man who went to the church everyday. He attended the mass, listened to the priest's preaching and prayed. One day after the mass, he went up to the priest and said, " Father, you asked us to donate and help people who are in need. I'd very much like to donate and help. But I'm a very poor man. I have only $10 left each day. And I'm a very sick person. I need to use this $10 to see the doctor and to buy medicine for myself. Father, I'd very much like to do what you said. But given my situation, what can I do?"
The priest looked at the man for a second. and said gently, "Son, can you try just for once not to think about yourself first, but to think about the people in need?" The man stood in silence for a moment. He then left the church and went home.
Next day, the man went to the church as usual. After the mass, the man went up to the altar, put his $10 into the donation box and went home.
A wonder happened. From that day, the man recovered from his long-time illness. He didn't need to go to see the doctor again. He didn't need to buy his medicine any more. Not only had he the money to continue to donate, but also he could save some money for himself.

This is not a story about miracles, not about anything superstitious. In fact, if one day you find you are able to do what you thought you could never do, you will have a great sense of satisfaction and happiness. If you feel happy inside you, your body will naturally become more physically strengthened. When you give out, it may seem you will lose the things you are giving out. But in fact, you will receive much more in return. The most immediate rewards are personal satisfaction and happiness. More often than not, there may be other things which will come subsequently in time, and which you may never even dream of.

This is Jesus' teaching:

"Give and you will be given"

The saying may be apparently paradoxical, but the story explains.

Sorry I was not able to retell the story as lively as James did. But I've tried my best to convey its essence.

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